I love this time between Halloween and the full sprint of the Christmas season. It’s not quite time yet to scramble for presents and decorate everything in site. It’s cozy, November is pure fall weather, and the leaves are still bright and everywhere on the ground. But I feel crafty, and I’m in the mood to be out trekking around the neighborhood, and the woods nearby. I had a batch of leaves ready to go, so when my nephew came over last week for a playdate after school I decided to make some turkeys.

I started this quilt back in April to get ready for the newest season of Doctor Who, and then life happened and I put aside the finished quilt top for a couple of months. Then when the 13th Doctor was announced, I got inspired to pick it up again. I finished it over the weekend, and here’s a loose tutorial so you can make this one, too!

This one is an oldie but a goodie, a tutorial I did for GeekMom back in 2013. The photos don’t seem to work over there anymore, and since H outgrew that original crown a while ago, I figured I’d put up the tutorial here, too. With a few tweaks and new photos. I’m just now making her a brand-new one because we are obsessed with all things princess lately.

A spring tutorial! H’s been more and more interested in flowers this year as they bloom all over. She’s been picking dandelions everywhere we go, and digging holes in the mulch in the backyard with the gardening tools her grandparents gave her. I do not have a green thumb, but she’s fascinated. So I’ve been brainstorming some gardening projects we could do together, for me to learn some things and for her to watch things grow.

I made these disco pumpkins as a centerpiece for our dining room table to celebrate Thanksgiving. I bought that platter at Target when the fall stuff first came out, and I love it. And, I thought it needed something with gold sparkles to sit with it. I made this video so you can have disco pumpkins, too!