With no camp or school program for H this summer, and Mama still trying to get some work done, it’s hard to fight the temptation to let her sit in front of the TV for hours while I get stuff done. And I will admit, there are days when that happens. But aside from our summer field trips, I’ve been turning off the TV and trying to put different activities in front of her to stay busy and engaged.
Tag: messy play

At some point during the winter, when we were busy with snow paint, someone on social media suggested I try homemade chalk paint in the summer. And I do not forget awesome suggestions like that, but I did forgot who told me. So last week, we made some liquid chalk paint.

It’s hot. Not 100 degrees hot, but regular July-in-NJ hot. And despite living at the shore, we are not all-day, every-day beach people. There are only so many indoor, air-conditioned things you can do with a three-year-old during an extra hot week before everyone needs to feel the sun and get some vitamin D. This is where our backyard messy play has come in.