Yes, it’s been more than a week since I’ve posted anything. The holidays are snowing me under a little bit, I’m still in denial that Christmas is a week away. And it’s not that I don’t have a ton of stuff to post, it’s that I’ve just been running on full holiday steam since Thanksgiving.
This week in kindergarten library classes we’re illustrating our “If You…” circle stories. As I’ve said before, I adore this unit. This year we’ve written “If You Give a Ladybug Some Pasta,” “If You Give a Cow a Wig,” “If You Take a Bear to DisneyWorld,” and “If You Take a Wolf to the Library.”
I love Laura Numeroff time. This unit with the kindergarteners is one of my favorites. We read all the If You… books, then we author our own story. This is one we wrote together in class last week. Next week we’ll illustrate it.
This post is insanely overdue. I did a Laura Numeroff unit with kindergarten in November and December. We started with Dogs Don’t Wear Sneakers at the end of our October “imagination” unit. Then starting in November we read all of her If You… books, starting with the classic If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. We talked about what “circular stories” are, stories that end the same way they began.
Waaay back in January (I told you I was behind) I did a Laura Numeroff author study with all the kindergarten classes. We read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, If You Give a Pig a Party, and If You Take a Mouse to School. My copy of If You Give a Cat a Cupcake hadn’t arrived yet, I’ll have to save that for next year. We talked about circular stories; it was great fun.