I bought a metre and a half of this amazing Liberty Hiding print when we went to Liberty of London back in May. And I had two dresses in mind for it. This is the first one, from Simplicity’s ModKid pattern 1379.
Tag: handmade

I really should stop writing about this Stof Dots dress and just make H more dresses. I’ve barely turned on the sewing machine all summer. It’s hot, and we’ve been having adventures instead.

Other posts on this project: I’m in Love with These Stof Dots.
I finished her dress! I used McCall’s M6541 pattern, but I just made the basic little pinafore dress with it. No applique or Ric Rac. This is the same pattern my mom used for a blue version of this dress last summer, and H is taller than the biggest dress size for the pattern now.