Tag: february

I’ve been so sick this week and out of commission since Monday afternoon. I felt somehow inundated and not-quite-myself at work on Monday, which was supposed to be the kickoff to Read Across America at school. We had a delayed opening because of snow and ice, and the day’s events were rescheduled…to Wednesday, when I was home sick with the stomach flu.

Read more on February is Done, But Winter Is Still Going Strong…

My birthday got off to a rocky start this year, but in the end it became a month of celebrations. After being sick on the day of I was pretty down about the whole prospect of birthdays and endless winter.

But it definitely had its shining moments.

Read more on My Birthday Was Redeemed…

February was a turtleneck kind of month. The snow had mostly melted by my birthday, but the temperature has been so jumpy. I honestly can’t quite believe it’s March. Seven months of school down, 3 more to go!

Read more on Come On, Spring…

Other pie/apron projects: January Pie: Lemon Meringue.

This month’s pie and apron gave me agita.

One of my favorite desserts as a kid were those store-bought mini graham cracker crusts with Jell-O chocolate pudding scooped into them. So I thought I wanted to make a full-size version of that for Valentine’s Day. And a pink-and-chocolate-brown apron to go with it. Easy right?

Not so much.

The Jamie Christina “Pretty Ditty Apron” pattern is super cute, but since I’ve never done any gathering or ruffles it was definitely a challenge. So I didn’t have it finished for Valentine’s Day. First problem. Then I made this pie with stale graham crackers. Second problem. Adam scooped out all the pudding and just ate that, but even that was not my finest pudding. I was determined to finish the apron and remake this pie, something I cobbled together from various recipes. But then I got sick, and it didn’t look like I would get it done by the end of the month. But yesterday I did both: finished the apron, and remade the pie properly. And I love both.

Read more on February Pie: Milk Chocolate Pudding…

I’ve been a little under the weather this week, a bug I’ve been fighting off seems to have finally broken through and laid me out flat. Today I stayed home and slept all day, and after this post I will be going back to bed to sleep some more. We had a great Valentine’s Day at home, and at some point soon I will post about my February pie and apron. But not today, I need something a little easier.

Read more on Under the Weather…

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