I know I’m not a working librarian anymore, but the American Library Association had its annual midwinter conference here in Seattle over the weekend. Which was really exciting since this is where the announce the Newbery and Caldecott books every year! I didn’t go to the awards ceremony, but I did spend Sunday afternoon walking around the exhibit floor.
It wasn’t a terrible month for reading, or a bad to start to a new year of books.
We’re still in this phase of life where we read and reread H’s favorite books on a loop, so even with our trips to the library, we don’t read that many new books. She could have Winnie-the-Pooh read to her every night and be completely happy, and…honestly we’re also pretty happy. Adam loves reading Pooh to her. But we did read some new stuff this month.
I so wanted to do a summer reading post back in August to wrap up the stuff we read during those months off from school. But it just never happened. I didn’t stay on top of the photos for some books, and it was just a much busier season than I anticipated (I started working full time for Wirecutter on July 5th).
In January, I wrote a list of protest and activism books for kids for GeekMom. I never blogged about the list here, but after last Friday’s events, when the health care bill was killed after people on both sides of the aisle spoke out, it felt like a good time to remind our kids that speaking out–and speaking up–works.
Read more on Protest Books for Kids, and Sewing As Empowerment…