I’ve had the need for a lot of baby gifts the past couple of years. Aside from my go-to baby blankets from Last Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts, books have become a very popular option. Which is convenient for me, being a librarian and all. These are a few that I like and have been giving lately.
I gave Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch to my sister-in-law for her baby shower. It is my all-time favorite Girl Power picture book. At my niece’s first birthday party, I read this book to an overwhelmed toddler fresh from a nap to coax her into joining the fun. Worked like a charm!
Adam had a baby shower at work this week and needed a last minute gift when a cold kept me from churning out a blanket. He said the mom-to-be is cool and geeky and dresses like me, so I told him to take my copy of Forever Young and give that. It was a hit, and surprisingly the only book given. But there were at least 2 other baby blankets, so my cold is mom-to-be’s win.
One of the teachers at work had a book-themed shower last week. But due to previously mentioned cold, which ballooned into full-on sinus infection, I missed it. However, when I’m back at school next week she will be getting a copy of Library Lion. I feel that as the school librarian I should give distinctively themed books like this to my fellow teachers.
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown was my absolute favorite book as a child. My mother read it to me almost every night. I haven’t actually given this one as a shower gift yet, but that’s only because my mother (also a librarian) tends to beat me to it.