Easter is a bit of a strange holiday for us around here. We’re kind of haphazard in how/if we celebrate it each year, so this was the first year that we took H to an Easter egg hunt. We went to Allaire Village for the 10,000 Easter Egg Hunt. Despite being surrounded by disappointed parents and kids who didn’t find any eggs, H managed to get 4 in the “baby corral” (and we gave some away to toddlers who didn’t get any).
So we legitimately got one egg from the hunt itself, inside the baby corral. They had kids 4 and under wait in rounds while they put out more eggs to ensure all of the little ones got an egg (the older kids were on their own in the cruel open wilderness of Allaire’s bushes and fields). H picked up 2, but we gave one away.
This little girl’s parents have clearly done this egg hunt before. Dad had an entire grocery bag full of eggs that he himself scattered around the corral for his daughter. And they were so generous; H kept picking up eggs and putting them in this girl’s basket, but her parents insisted that we keep them. Her dad let a bunch of other kids in the area get eggs, too.
So we ended up with 4. I kept my eyes out for other kids who needed an egg, but in the end that is what we left with.
We ran into one of my sorority sisters, some former students of mine, even my brother and his family were out there that day. It was a lot of fun, but I think once H is too old for the corral we’ll have to get our eggs elsewhere.
Apparently we meant business out there.
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