“Blah blah blah, new year, blah blah, planning.” This is what I’ve been thinking the past two days about resolutions, and it’s so unlike me. As a compulsive list-maker, New Year’s Resolutions are my SuperBowl. But I’ve been in a funk so far in 2015. All 2 days of it (I was in a great mood NYE). I’ve had trouble focusing in on what I’m excited about for the new year, and everything productive I can think of to get me out of it is a bummer (like taking down the Christmas tree).
It’s just a little new year blues. So many possibilities for a new year, and so many friends on social media already announcing big exciting things for the year. I have decision paralysis. What do I want to do this year? I can’t even decide what to make for dinner in the face of A Brand New Year. But finally, now in the evening of the 2nd day of 2015, I’m snapping out of it. I’m over myself, and ready to make The List.
I decided to do 15 for 2015. Here they are:
- Health. I just need to take better care of myself. This was a goal in 2014 that I was rocking…until I went back to teaching. I need to get back to it. I cut out a decent amount of red meat in 2014 and started cooking fish. I need to learn how to cook more fish and veggies, exercise more, destress, etc.
- Publish or sell 3 quilts. This is one of the more ambitious ones, but I want to see if I can do it.
- Use my stash. I really want to trim my stash this year and buy less fabric. I’ve got mountains of stuff I adore but think of as too precious to use. Or, I just don’t know how to use it. I need to do some de-stashing and actually sew with what I’ve already got.
- Try more local restaurants. We basically have 2 that we go to regularly, and we always say we’ll branch out. This year it’s on.
- Publish 3 print articles. Last year I published 4! Maybe I should be more ambitious with this one, but I’m still finding a balance between teaching, quilting, and writing. The writing is happening less at the moment, I need a boost.
- Get H’s Project Life up to date. I really want to do this for her, I loved looking at my baby book so much growing up.
- Declutter the house. Organize H’s toys, clean out closets, etc. I’m always decluttering, but this will be the year everything gets a SYSTEM. Streamlining FTW.
- Have date night at least once a month. My former mother’s helper is now an awesome babysitter in high school who lives right across the street. We really need to take better advantage of that!
- Take H on more adventures. I so wanted to plan out our mommy/daughter time a little better when the school year started, but I haven’t managed it yet. I need to. With my working 2 days a week and H in 3 different therapies the rest of the week it’s too easy to just hang out at home when we have free time.
- Read more. 2014 was truly an abysmal year for reading (77 books total, my lowest ever).
- Embrace my online friendships more. Some dear IRL friends moved away last year, both physically and emotionally. I have some great friends I don’t get to see very often, and I need to make more time for them. But, I also need to use social media to keep my long distance and online friendships thriving. It’s 2015, friends can be there for each other over coffee or bandwidth.
- Be more creative. I didn’t make enough time for this last year, and I miss it tremendously. Sketch, doodle, design fabric, decorate a cake, make homemade invitations, anything. Use my Cricut, my colored pencils, my endless stash of fabric and paper. MAKE THINGS.
- Take up knitting or crochet again. I stopped when I started quilting because I’m allergic to wool. This made knitting tough, my hands were always covered in eczema. I should just get some knitting gloves and do it, I still have a closet full of gorgeous yarn.
- Maintain my Etsy store. This was going swimmingly until I applied for my current teaching job, fretted about interviewing for the job, got the job, and started the job. This is entirely understandable; teaching needed to take up some serious mental space for a while, I was a year out of practice. And settling in to a new job is always tough. But, now I need balance. I put too much work into that store to leave it neglected.
- Learn to make pasta and cheese. Enough said.
Love #1 & # 3 most. May I do a little shopping in your stash.?
H will love the adventures. Send photos. 🙂