This has been some week. H woke up wailing on Sunday night with her first ever cold, poor thing couldn’t breathe. Adam and I both stayed home with her on Monday because we had no idea if she would get worse. Maybe we were overzealous new parents, but she slept all day and was right as rain yesterday morning. Must have been the right call. So everyone went back to work, but last night Adam and I both started to get sick. I had today off, Adam came home sick from work. And tomorrow is his birthday. It’s a little crazy here, I have not made a cake or even wrapped a present for him yet. I guess this is what we have to look forward to for years to come! But hooray for her little immune system kicking that bug in 24 hours, it was big encouragement for me to keep going with pumping as a working mom.
Archive: September 26, 2012