A few weekends ago I met up with Maggie in Union Square for our annual holiday outing.
And we stumbled onto SantaCon, which was hilarious.
We wandered the holiday market and had delicious lunch at Republic.
We bought mini pies from this amazing upstate NY farm set up there, but I cannot find the card to identify the farm! They were delicious, too!
I also bought a deer hat from Nirvanna Designs, which Adam declared an instant hit when I got it home and told him I’d be wearing it today for the Ugly Holiday Sweater contest at school. I don’t do ugly sweaters, but I will do a ridiculously awesome knit hat and this t-shirt (the music teacher won with her killer light up sweater). Anyway, this stall had tons of cute hats.
Another great day to get the festive season rolling.
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