Other posts on this bee: May Forest of Trees, June Framed Blocks, Christmas in July (my month).
This month was Carrie’s turn for Bee Improvisational. She sent some of Moda’s Make Life fabric and asked us to make her 2 blocks, any patterns we like, between 9.5″ and 15.5″ square. So these are mine.
This was the 1st one I made, another attempt at Siggy blocks (I didn’t even realize that’s what I was making during the 1st attempt). One of these days I WILL get the center points to line up. Until then, I camouflage with the same fabric.
The 2nd block was inspired by Freckled Whimsy’s Charm Pack Quilt Along. Again with the points, though. This one I just measured horribly all over the place, my brain was not fully working. Some of the blocks were 4″, some were 4.25″, so this was lining them all up as best I could. I didn’t even realize I’d measured differently until piecing them together. But overall I still really like it!