I’ve been battling migraines on and off for 5 days now. For a few hours I’ll be almost fine, then suddenly I have to go off to a dark room to wait out a wave of nausea and headaches. Lights, sounds, temperatures, computer screens, print, and voices are all causing me trouble for any length of time. I almost got physically ill in a craft store yesterday from the squeaky shopping carts being wheeled around. As a result I was home sick from work today so that I could go to the doctor, who declared that I’m in the midst of a Status Migraine. I get migraines a couple of times a year, but I’ve never had a Status Migraine (which just means it’s been happening for more than 3 days). She’s started me on an intensive course of super-strength steroids to try and break up this migraine and keep it away for good, but in the meantime life is frustrating and decidedly boring since the usual things I do for entertainment and money are a little problematic.
Archive: November 23, 2009